School Consultation Services

What is Our School Consultation Program?
Our School Consultation Program supports districts, schools, classrooms, and individual students in both public and private settings. We work collaboratively with the district, administrators, teachers, staff, paraprofessionals, and interdisciplinary teams to develop system-wide behavior supports that promote student independence, positive behaviors, and greater opportunities for inclusion. In addition, our consultants help teachers and staff implement effective teaching practices and classroom systems based on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Who Does Our School Consultation Program Serve?
We serve all student populations grades Pre-K through high school including:
general education
students identified at-risk
emotional disturbance
other health impairment
autism spectrum disorder
hearing and visual impairment
What Consultation Approach is Used?
Our consultants utilize several ABA based consultation and training methods to help schools improve already existing systems or develop systems to improve behaviors of classrooms and individual students. Our consultants want to help all schools utilize the methods of ABA to increase staff competence in improving positive behaviors in all students, which will result in measurable academic gains for schools and students.
What Types of Services are Provided?
Individualized Educational Evaluations (IEE) by a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA)
Assisting school teams with Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA)
Assisting school teams with Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)
Classroom management systems designed for both students with special needs and neurotypical learners
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)/Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Systems Level Consultation
Staff training (small and large group settings)
To Inquire About Consultation
Phone: (910) - 660 - 8200
Fax: (910) - 660 - 8199